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A military coup happened last week and overthrew the President, driving the country into a political crisis. Eleos have been updated that at present, the ongoing events are not significantly affecting the operations at ARCEP, the regulatory authority. We are continually monitoring the situation and updates will be made available as soon as we are informed of.
SDPPI launch public consultation for short-range devices
ANATEL have published ANATEL ACT No 7971, Technical requirements for conformity assessment of the IPv6 protocol in telecommunications products
The General Superintendence of Electricity and Telecommunications (Siget) has declared the entire 6 GHz band as "Unlicensed," allowing for the implementation of faster and more efficient WiFi networks.
Oman Authority has published a public consultation on the valuation and award mechanisms for mmWave spectrum
The deadline for applying for SRRC using the old standards MIIT [2002], 353, MIIT [2002] 277, and MIIT [2012] 620 for 2.4GHz, 5.1GHz, and 5.8GHz is October 15, 2023. From October 15, 2023, new and renewal applications for devices with 2.4/5.1/5.8GHz frequency bands must meet the new standard MIIT [2021] 129.