Botswana Bureau of Standards Exemption Letters for IT equipment

Botswana - Botswana Bureau of Standards Exemption Letters for IT equipment
Posted by Admin in Botswana - 16-AUG-24
Although IT and telecommunication products are not currently covered under the 2023 compulsory standards regulations, Eleos has observed and supported instances where BOBS exemption confirmation letters were required, particularly for power adapters, to clear these products at ports of entry. It has therefore become evident that securing BOBS exemption letters in advance for IT equipment power adapters (whether shipped alone or with the main products) will save you valuable time during customs clearance. Eleos is well-equipped to obtain these letters promptly. Please reach out if you need more information. 

Eleos Compliance offer international RF, EMC, Safety and Green type approval services for radiocommunications products.

Eleos Compliance are a sustainable, values-based business combining extensive experience in the wireless homologation sector with outstanding project management.

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