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Public Consultation for International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) frequency bands
EU Commission's New "Cyber" Standards
ANRT have published a new type approval decision introducing changes to labelling requirements for ANRT-approved equipment
The Indonesian government has restructured its telecommunications and informatics agencies, merging the SDPPI and PPI into the Directorate General of Digital Infrastructure (DJID). This change aims to streamline operations and accelerate digital transformation.
New Chinese national standards (GB/T 4706.1-2024 and GB 4343.1-2024) for household and similar equipment CCC certification are being implemented.
SDPPI Director General Decree 109/2024 regarding foreign test centers expired on 31 December 2024. Test reports from SDPPI-accredited foreign test centers issued after 1 January 2025, are currently invalid for certification until a new decree is issued. Test reports issued before 1 January 2025, have a 6-month grace period (until 1 July 2025) for use in the certification process, as per PM KOMINFO 5/2024.