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The National Telecommunications Regulatory Agency (ANRT) of Morocco has published Decision ANRT/DG/N°12/23 of 2 kaada 1444 (22 May 2023) setting the technical specifications for type approval of terminal equipment and radio installations
SIRIM CoCs that have been expired for more than six (6) months will now be automatically blocked or suspended for renewal.
Jordan Telecommunications Regulation Commission (TRC) has announced a draft of “Amended Instructions of the Conditions and Procedures for Obtaining Type Approval of Telecommunication Equipment and Regulating their Entry into the Kingdom”
The Regulatory Authority plans to integrate a Test Lab into the upcoming equipment approval process. Manufacturers and test lab professionals are invited to participate in a feasibility study by submitting completed questionnaires by December 18th, 2023. Your timely responses are crucial for the successful implementation of this initiative.
On September 19, 2023, the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information issued Government Regulation Number 43 of the Year 2023 (PP Nomor 43 Tahun 2023) to regulate the rates and types of non-tax state revenues. The main changes include full revision of pricing (particularly remarkable is the price increase of around 70% for RF testing) and the removal of charges for certificate review. The regulation came into effect on November 18, 2023.
Peru - Peru's Proposal to Enhance Wi-Fi Indoors
Posted by Admin in Peru - 08-DEC-23
The Ministry of Transport and Communications of Peru presents a proposal to improve Wi-Fi connectivity in indoor spaces by increasing the allowed power. The initiative aims to optimize the 5 GHz spectrum to provide greater capacity and faster speeds. The process is open for comments during the public consultation.