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ARCEP of Burkina Faso has closed due to a recent military coup.
Saudi Arabia - New CITC WLAN Regulation
Posted by Admin in Saudi Arabia - 26-JAN-22
Saudi Arabia CITC publishes new WLAN Regulation
It covers topics such as security systems, short-range devices, hearing aids, broadband etc.
There has recently been a change of guidelines for SIM-Enabled Devices. This has been implemented to help verify genuine and non genuine products trying to obtain approval.
Brazil - ANATEL publish Act No. 237
Posted by Admin in Brazil - 17-JAN-22
ANATEL publish Act No. 237 - Test Procedures for Assessing the Conformity of Restricted Radiation Radiocommunication Equipment
SIRIM have announced that the potential use of 6 GHz frequency band for Wi-Fi is being reviewed by MCMC. However, as of now, certification and importation of Wi-Fi devices supporting 6 GHz band is not permitted.