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Peruvian regulator MTC has issued a Ministerial Resolution regarding propsed updates to their National frequency allocations.
IFT Mexico have initiated a Public Consultation for updating the technical operating conditions of the 57 - 64 GHz frequency band, classified as free spectrum
ELEOS Team have been recently receiving multiple enquiries to clarify new Global Identification Number (GLN) and Global Item Trade Number (GTIN) requirements that have been introduced earlier this year in Russia, therefore a short summary below was prepared to understand what it is, when it is or isn't needed and what stand do other Member States take on this.
On March 12th 2021, the Ministry of Electronic and Information Technology of India (MEITY) published an order pushing back the effective date of the mandatory BIS safety registration of Phase V products from April 1st, 2021 to October 1st, 2021
Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has approved new draft Type Approval Technical Standards Regulations 2021 earlier this year, pending publication in the national Gazette. The new Technical Regulation includes updated exemption list, whereby two of the equipment categories have been removed from the list, eliciting manufacturers to obtain mandatory Type Approval for each of the categories once published.
On 26 February 2021, National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL) published technical requirements for Wi-Fi 6E devices in Brazil.