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The Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) of Peru has issued an important statement for all users and marketers of telecommunications equipment in the country. The statement aims to clarify the criteria for requiring the TAC in homologation application
The Utility Regulation and Competition Office (the "Office") has issued new guidelines for the operation of Wireless LAN (WiFi) services in the Cayman Islands. The guidelines provide relevant technical and operating information for the use of these services in the region.
In Chile, mandatory certification for electric battery chargers begins on March 31, 2024, following the introduction of Exempt Resolution 14224.
Mexico's Federal Institute of Telecommunications (IFT) has issued a new technical provision, the IFT-011-2022 (NOM-221 Part 3), titled "Cellular Broadcasting Service for Notification of Risk or Emergency Situations."
The National Telecommunications Commission (Conatel), the regulatory body responsible for overseeing the telecommunications sector in Venezuela, will hold a public hearing on March 15th, 2023 at its facilities to hear comments and suggestions from interested parties related to the Reform of the Administrative Provision containing the conditions for the qualification of Free Use Equipment.
ANATEL Public Consultation for EMC technical requirements