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The Federal Communication Agency (FAC) of Russia recently published an updated regulation allowing 6GHz WiFi
MEITY Extends Phase IV BIS implementation date to April 1st, 2021
CNCA of China have published a notice confirming new requirements for 5G mobile user terminals. 5G mobile user terminals having obtained CCC certification previously under the requirements of 4G must be updated.
As part of the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union, the United Kingdom has introduced the UKCA (UK Conformity Assessed) mark that will be used for goods being placed on the market in Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland).
MIC Vietnam have issued Decision No. 1443/QD-BTTTT confirming plans for the restructuring of their organisation. Delays expected for type approval applications submitted during September.
Sri Lanka - TRC open 865-868MHz for RFID
Posted by Admin in Sri Lanka - 02-SEP-20
TRC open 865-868MHz for RFID while introducing further frequency ranges for low-power devices