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Welcome to the Eleos Compliance February News Video with Elie Colin and Gemma McGough, where you can find all of the latest regulatory news and updates from around the world.
Today, CRA Qatar initiated a Public Consultation on Class License for Short Range Devices - Version No. (4).
EEC Council postponed the effective date of the TR of EAEU "On The Requirements for Energy Efficiency of Energy Consumption Devices" (EAEU 048/2019) and EEC Councils Decree, which sets the forms for labels of energy-consuming devices of different types and rules of their registration.
Accreditation Centre of Azerbaijan (AzAK) have issued a formal letter after consultation with AzInTelecom LLC of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan, confirming that separate EMC certificate must be obtained going forward for all new applications.
On 17th January, Algerian Regulator Autorité de Régulation de la Poste et des Communications Electroniques (ARPCE) published Short Range Device Guidelines, named « Décret exécutif n° 21-43 du 3 Joumada Ethania 1442 correspondant au 17 janvier 2021 fixant les caractéristiques des dispositifs de faible portée utilisés dans l'établissement des réseaux privés internes radioélectriques. »
From 26th February 2021, IFT-012-2019 will come into effect in Mexico mandating in-country SAR test requirements for mobile terminal equipment used in close proximity to the human body.