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ANATEL opens public consultation on the use of the 5.925 - 7.125 MHz band by restricted radiation systems (including Wi-Fi 6)
Chris McGough breaks down the UKCA marking requirements
ANATEL publishes Act Nº 7280 defining major changes to the Type Approval requirements for telecommunication devices. The new act comes into force on 1 June 2021.
BICMA launch new National Radio Rules and Regulations
Honduras regulator CONATEL has launched a public consultation on proposed updates to the National Frequency Plan
On 25th November 2020, Nation Information & Communications Technology (NICTA) of Papua New Guinea published an approved bands plan for the use of the frequency bands 700 MHz, 71–76 & 81–86 GHz. The notices are published in line with ITU Radio Regulations of WRC-15 and provisions for ITU Region 3.