Posted by Admin in Brazil - 01-AUG-24
On 12th July 2024, ANATEL opened Public Consultation No. 36, with the proposal to update the requirements for conformity assessment of Access Terminal Stations (ETA) and Cellular Mobile Telephone, restricting the certification and approval of new equipment that operates only with 3G or lower technology, for use in the Personal Mobile Service (SMP) networks.

Art. 1
Art. 1 To include new sub-items numbered 4.4 and 4.5 to the Annex to Act No. 3151, of June 12, 2020, with the following wording:

4.4. The certification of modules or final products classified as Personal Mobile Service Access Terminal Station that are compatible only with 3G or lower technologies is not allowed.
4.5. The modules or final products classified as Personal Mobile Service Access Terminal Station with the capacity to establish voice calls must support operation with VoLTE (Voice over LTE) technology.

Art. 2
Art. 2 To include new sub-items numbered 4.5 and 4.6 to the Annex to Act No. 3152, of June 12, 2020, with the following wording:

4.5. Certification of mobile phones compatible only with 3G or lower technologies is not permitted.
4.6. Mobile phones must support the establishment of voice calls through VoLTE (Voice over LTE) technology.

Art. 3
Art. 3 The approval of modules and final products compatible only with 3G or lower technologies will be authorized only to meet the demands of spare parts for the automotive industry and with the express authorization of Anatel's Certification and Numbering Management (ORCN).

Article 4
Art. 4 Equipment compatible only with 3G or lower technologies, approved before the entry into force of this Act, may carry out the maintenance of its certifications in a habitual manner, without the need to adjust its technical characteristics to the requirements approved by this Act.

You can find Public Consultation No. 36 here, which is open until 19th September 2024.

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