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Industry News Update video from Eleos Compliance directors, Elie and Gemma
Brazilian regulator ANATEL has issued 3 ACT's meant to be transitional during a public comment period. They have been published at the same time as Resolution 715 of 2019 comes into force and are complementary to that Resolution.
Indonesian Authority - Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya dan Perangkat Posdan Informatika (SDPPI), opened a public consultation on their draft regulation for devices operating on 57 to 64GHz.
Indian Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MEITY) has added 12 new product types to the list of products that require BIS Safety certifications.
In these unprecedented times, Eleos Compliance is seeing closures at Regulators around the world as we attempt to overcome the spread of Covid-19
SDPPI have issued a public letter announcing measures being taken at the SDPPI lab in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19.