IFT Mexico Consulation on Changes to Homologation Guidelines

Mexico - IFT Mexico Consulation on Changes to Homologation Guidelines
Posted by Admin in Mexico - 14-JUN-24
The Mexican Federal Institute of Telecommunications (IFT) is holding a public consultation on proposed modifications to the “Guidelines for the approval of products, equipment, devices or apparatus intended for telecommunications or broadcasting”. The proposed changes come in response to industry feedback, particularly from CANIETI, ANATEL, and ANFAD, following the recent publication of the “Guidelines for the use of the IFT Mark”.

Key issues raised by stakeholders and addressed in the proposed modifications include:

• Clarifying the use of electronic labeling to display the approval certificate number.
• Adapting the guidelines to enable the electronic implementation of the IFT Mark.
• Permitting physical labeling on packaging, instructions, and operating manuals.

The proposed modifications aim to provide more flexibility and reduce compliance costs for businesses, particularly regarding marking and labeling requirements for products with varying characteristics such as size and integrated displays.

The consultation period runs from June 14, 2024, to August 12, 2024.

Relevant Links
Consultation document
Analysis of Impact

Eleos Compliance offer international RF, EMC, Safety and Green type approval services for radiocommunications products.

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