On September 14, 2022, the Chilean telecommunications regulator, Subtel, through
Resolution No. 2,844, decided to review its spectrum decision and make available only part of the 6 GHz band, between 5,925 MHz and 6,425 MHz, for use of unlicensed services.
Previously, the entire band, from 5,925 MHz to 7,125 MHz, was going to be used for Wi-Fi services, which was communicated through
Resolution No. 1,807 published in the Official Gazette on October 22, 2020.
The resolution takes into consideration the following points:
1) That it is necessary to adjust the frequency bands of the technology called WiFi 6 in the regulations, in order to await the decision on international harmonization that will take place at the next World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23), indicated in the item 1.2 of the Agenda for said meeting.
2) That it is necessary to adapt the certification requirements to the reality of the market.
3) The need to efficiently manage the use of the radio spectrum, and in use of my legal powers.
So far only eight Latin American countries have made a decision regarding the 6GHz band. The use of the band for this region will be evaluated at the next world radiocommunication conference WRC-23 at the end of the year.
Resolution can be found here:
Resolution No. 2,844:
https://www.diariooficial.interior.gob.cl/publicaciones/2022/09/14/43353/01/2187086.pdf Resolution No. 1,807