The Bolivian regulator, Ministerio de Obras Públicas, Servicios, y Vivienda (MOPSV) has announced the modification of the National Frequency Plan approved on November 8, 2012 by Ministerial Resolution No. 174 of September 9, 2022, which designates the 3.3-3.6 GHz frequency bands for 5G mobile services.
It must be emphasized that:
- The channeling for the sub bands A1 (3,300 - 3,350MHz), A2 (3,350 - 3,400 MHz), B2 (3,450 - 3,500 MHz), C1 (3,500 - 3,550 MHz) and C2 (3,550 - 3,600) will apply immediately upon the entry into force of this resolution.
- The channeling for the B1 subband (3,400 - 3,450 MHz) will be applied as of October 20, 2024.
The licenses of the operators that have been granted with the previous chanellings will be modified to the new ones. Operators must apply the mechanisms established in this resolution to continue providing services in these new bands.
You can find Resolution No. 174 in the following link: